Term and Condition


Terms “Website”, “We”, “Our” or “Company” mean Hong Kong Essays.

Terms “Client” and “Customer” refer to an individual who buys services from Hong Kong Essays and is properly informed about the rules and policies published on this Website. The Client agrees to comply with the policies and bears responsibility for all actions performed on this Website.

The term “Product” refers to various types of written tasks, including essays, research papers, dissertations and other written academic works. The Client pays for the service, and the assigned writer follows all of the Client’s instructions.

The Client should always give detailed instructions for the order. However, we can provide assistance to the Client with clearly defining the scope of work.

Our Services 

We have made a variety of services available to our Clients. Our Clients can order writing from scratch, proofreading, formatting or editing services. We strongly recommend that our Clients review all policies, which can be found on Hong Kong Essays, including Terms and Conditions, Money Back Guarantee and Revision Policy. By understanding how our Company works, Clients can easily utilize our services and avoid misunderstandings. Once the Client has fully understood our policies and rules, then he/she is welcome to purchase our services.

Accepting the Terms 

We are required to provide the Client with the Terms and Conditions, as well as other policies, and the Client is required to read and follow them. Upon using the services of Hong Kong Essays, the Client is automatically obliged to comply with all rules and regulations. 

Editing, Deleting, and Modification Agreement 

You acknowledge and agree that We may unilaterally change these Terms and Conditions at any time. We recommend reviewing these Terms and Conditions from time to time as any such changes will be reflected in this section of Our Website.

Copyright Restrictions 

All the products and services offered by Company to their Customers are original. By using our Website you acknowledge that any Product delivered to you can be used only as a model answer and example document for further reasoning. Hong Kong Essays does not condone nor encourage plagiarism and academic dishonesty. The Company shall not be held liable for Product misuse and any direct or indirect damages arising out of improper use of services we provide. Our Website or its contents may not be copied, sold or reproduced for any commercial use.

Integrity, Accuracy, and Promptness

Hong Kong Essays is not responsible for any information updates nor accountable for informing users of any changes made to our Website. It is the Clients’ obligation to monitor the Website for changes.


When the Client submits an order, we consider this action to be a complete agreement on the points listed below:

  • We will follow all standards of citing appropriate sources when completing the order.
  • We will complete all orders according to any of the modern writing formats (Harvard, APA, Chicago/Turabian, MLA, etc.).
  • Any work on order will start only after the Company receives the full order value transaction. The price includes collecting data, researching, writing, proofreading, editing, and final delivery.
  • Client may not obtain any personal profit from distributing or copying the purchased work.


Hong Kong Essays is entitled to allow or restrict access to our Website for any individual at any moment and for any reason. We guarantee that the Client may visit our Website without errors or other problems at any time, meaning the Website is safe and free from viruses and malware.

Therefore, Clients using our Website and downloading any content from our Website bear all risks and responsibilities. If a Client should have problems as a result of downloading content from our Website, the Company will not be responsible for any physical damage to the computers or any information lost. We make a conscious effort to provide Clients with a safe and unproblematic Website. However, some problems may not be avoided.

Corporate Intellectual Property Rights

According to the following agreement, the Client accepts that all information, content and other intellectual property on the Website remain the property of Hong Kong Essays. The Client may not attempt to create an analogous Website or use any of the intellectual property by altering documentations and software.


The Client agrees that he or she will not expose information obtained from our Company, as we own all information presented on this Website. All of our Client’s personal information is considered private, and will not be shared with any third party under any circumstance. This agreement between the Company and the Client is a confirmation of this fact. 


From the moment a Client visits the Website and reads the information provided or uses our services, the agreement between our Company and the Client is considered valid, and all Terms and Conditions along with all policies should be respected and followed. 

Severability of Terms 

If any regulation from these Terms and Conditions is conceived unenforceable or inactive because of any court order or decree, that regulation will be petitioned with permission from the law. These Terms and Conditions should remain easy and comprehensible for Clients and users of the Website.